Last week, priests from the Episcopal Diocese and Lutheran Synod of Montana had a pow-wow at Chico Hot Springs. The national leaders of the churches, Presiding Bishop Curry and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, traveled to Montana to join the conference. Bishop C. Franklin Brookhart, Jr. realized that this might be the only time that Presiding Bishop Curry would be in Montana and decided that this was an excellent opportunity for the state’s parishioners to meet our PB! To facilitate this meeting, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Livingston offered to host the meet & greet party. Our Reverend Janis Hansen attended the conference and the party (she’s our photographer). JJ Snyder and Sandra Baril drove to Livingston for the party and apparently had a lively conversation with PB Curry (see photo). While traveling to Livingston from the Ruby Valley is a bit of a trek, JJ and Sandra were outdone on the mileage by a parishioner who traveled SEVEN HOURS to attend the party. All said it was a very worthwhile trip. Christ Church sends a BIG THANK YOU to Bishop Franklin for organizing the party.
This is a beautiful story! This family has been through more fear, anxiety, and upheaval than most of us can imagine but this young man tells a story of hope and making Canada his home. Click here for the photo essay.
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